Twitter’s new heart

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Out with the star, in with the heart. (Courtesy of Mashable)
Out with the star, in with the heart. (Courtesy of Mashable) (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

Your friends on Twitter are either aglow or aghast, depending on whom you talk to, about the social app’s decision to get rid of its star, and exchange it with a heart

One little emoji-like icon has started a conversation about what some of our favorite things are.

And, change — apparently — isn’t one of them.

We certainly have seen similar outrage in other social media changes: with adjustments to Facebook privacy terms and the layout of the app.

What does it say about social media when people get so upset about something that — at least on the surface— seems pretty benign?

Heidi Moore is Business Editor for Mashable, and spoke to us from New York.