A quick guide to the Nov. 8 ballot propositions

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Our friends over at KCET have made this quick guide to all 17 ballot measures. Click on the artwork or the titles below to learn more and to watch a 60 second video explaining each proposition.

Proposition Short title Yes vote: No Vote:
School Construction Bonds would authorize the state to issue $9 billion in bonds for building and fixing schools the state would not have the authority to sell new bonds
Prop 52: Hospital Fees. Original artwork by Henry Cram.
Hospital Fees for Medi-Cal imposes fees on hospitals indefinitely to fund Medi-Cal, and the funds could only be reallocated with voter approval the existing hospital fee for Medi-Cal would end Jan. 1, 2018 unless the legislature extends it
Prop 53 - Revenue Bonds | artwork Henry Cram
Revenue Bonds requires statewide voter approval for revenue bonds over $2 billion no change to current revenue bond system
Prop 54: Publish Bills Before Voting
Publishing Legislative Bills requires legislature to post bills on the internet 3 days before voting, and requires audio and video recordings to be posted online no change to current system
Prop 55: Tax Extension for Education
Tax Extension for Education would extend personal income taxes on high-income households to fund education and healthcare the extra personal income tax would end Dec. 31, 2018
Prop 56: Cigarette Tax original art by Henry Cram
Cigarette Tax increases cigarette tax by $2 tax a pack and a similar increases on most other tobacco products and e-cigarettes no new taxes on tobacco products
Prop 57: Criminal Sentencing. Original artwork by Henry Cram.
Criminal Sentencing certain non-violent offenders could get out on parole earlier, plus judges would decide if  juveniles are tried as adults. parole criteria stay the same; minors can be tried as adults without a hearing in juvenile court
Prop 58: English Language Education
English Proficiency would make it easier for public schools to decide how to teach students learning English in bilingual or English-immersion classes things stay as they are, requiring English-only programs for most English learners
Corporate Political Spending would ask California’s elected officials to use their authority to increase regulation of campaign spending and contributions (undo Citizens United) elected officials would not be asked to try to change campaign spending regulations
Prop 60 Safety First in Adult Films. Original art by Henry Cram.
Adult Film Regulation the state should regulate and license the porn industry and be sure condoms are used. there would be no change to current adult film regulations
Prop 61: Prescrition Drug Prices. Original artwork by Henry Cram.
State Prescription Drug Prices state agencies can’t pay more for any prescription drug than the lowest price paid by the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs state agencies continue to negotiate drug prices on their own
Prop 62: Death to the death penalty. Original art by Henry Cram.
Abolish Death Penalty repeals California’s death penalty and replaces it with life in prison without parole would keep the death penalty as part of California’s criminal sentencing laws**
PROP 63: Gun and Ammunition Control. Artwork by Henry Cram.
Ammunition Sales & Background Checks new restrictions for buying and selling ammunition including background checks no new firearm or ammunition requirements
Prop 64: Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
Legalize Marijuana adults could legally grow, possess and use marijuana only medical marijuana would be legal
Prop 65: Sale of Reusable Bags. Original artwork by Henry Cram.
Sale of Reusable Bags would divert the money from the sale of reusable bags into a state environmental fund  money from the sale of reusable bags could go to any purpose*
Prop 66: Reform Death Penalty Appeals. Original art by Henry Cram
Death Penalty Reform changes procedures for death penalty appeals to speed up the process no changes to current law**
 Prop 67 - Ban on Plastic Bags
Ban Plastic Bags a state-wide ban on plastic bags would take effect, stores would keep the money from selling reusable bags grocery stores would continue to provide free plastic bags unless local laws prohibit it*

* If both plastic bag measures (Props 65 and 67) pass, the one with the most votes becomes law

**If both death penalty measures (Props 62 and 66) pass, the one with the most votes becomes law

(Proposition artwork by Henry Cram, Header image via Simplerich/Flickr)